Played by: Mark Hamill Luke Skywalker is the son of Princess Amidala and Anakin Skywalker; who later becomes Darth Vader. He is also the twin brother of Princess Leia. When Obi-Wan Kenobi learned that Anakin had survived the battle between the two of them, he separated Luke and Leia as infants and hid them from Anakin/Darth Vader and the Empire. Leia was taken in by Bail Organa, a powerful defender of the Old Republic, and Luke was sent to be raised by his uncle Owen and aunt Beru Lars on the planet of Tatooine. When Luke's uncle and aunt were murdered by Imperial Stormtroopers, he followed Obi-Wan Kenobi to go to Alderaan to help save the Princess and to learn the ways of the force. When Luke, Han Solo, Chewbacca and Obi-Wan ended up on the first death star, Luke watched as Darth Vader struck down Obi-Wan Kenobi. Luke later joined the rebellion and destroyed the death star. Darth Vader, learning who it was who had destroyed the death star, was anxious to find young Skywalker. Vader had received orders from the Emperor to try to turn Luke to the dark side of the force. Luke had been in training with Jedi Master Yoda, and the Emperor knew that Luke would be very powerful when he finished his Jedi training. He knew that Luke would be a very powerful asset to the Empire. So he sent Darth Vader to fetch him. In a failed attempt to freeze Luke to take him back to the Emperor, Vader and Luke engaged in a deadly battle in which Darth Vader chopped Luke's right hand off. As Luke was hanging on to a ledge in the middle of Bespin Cloud City, Vader told Luke the truth about what had happened to his father--that Vader was his father. Later, Yoda confirmed to Luke that Darth Vader was indeed his father. He also told Luke that in order to complete his Jedi training, he would need to confront Darth Vader again. He then told Luke that there was "another Skywalker" right before he died. As Luke was preparing to leave Degobah, the planet where Yoda lived, he was visited by the spirit of Obi-Wan Kenobi. While they were talking, Luke realized that Leia was his twin sister. Luke turned himself into the Empire in order to confront Darth Vader and the Emperor. Vader took him back to the new death star as the Rebellion was making an attack on it. The Emperor tried to turn Luke to the dark side, and Luke and Vader engaged in yet another battle. This time, Vader pushed Luke too far by threatening to turn Leia to the dark side, and Luke fought Vader with all his rage. After Luke cut off Vader's hand, he realized that he was letting them get to him. He took control of his anger and threw down his weapon. The Emperor, realizing that he could not turn Luke to the dark side of the force, attacked Luke with lighting from his hands, sending Luke screaming to the floor. Before the Emperor could succeed in killing Luke, Darth Vader's good side resurfaced and he picked up the Emperor and threw him down a deep shaft, killing the Emperor. But when Vader picked up the Emperor, he was also struck by the Emperor's force lightning, which was certainly going to kill him. Before Vader died, he asked Luke to take off his helmet. Darth/Anakin thanked Luke for saving him, and he died. | ![]() |